Digimon Adventure is an anime series produced by Toei Nimation. There are a total of 54 episodes, which makes it the second longest running series in the Digimon franchise. Wargreymon is a Dragon Digimon, the strongest dragon warrior with a body clad in armor of the super-metal “Chrome Digizoid”. Wargreymon is the ultimate form of Greymon-species Digimon.
Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan will be available in his new design from the Dragon Ball Super movie. He comes with scar mark stickers and optional face and hand parts. This remarkable Bandai Figure-Rise Standard is due to ship in January of 2019. Every Dragon Ball fan needs this in their collection, a one of a kind rendition of Broly from the Dragon Ball Super movie.
In this the final episode, we see how the cartoon version of Voltron from 1981 was the inspiration of the VOLTRON Super Mini-pla toy. Voltron was not only a beloved cartoon in Japan, but all over the world. This helped to make the Mini-pla such a success. It was intended for a broad international audience.
VOLTRON Super Mini-pla went from concept to drawing and then a toy using Mr. Nonaka’s imagination and influence from the cartoon. Don’t miss this episode and enjoy the video below.
In this the third episode in the series, the discussion turns to the development phase of creating VOLTRON. Mr. Nonaka uses different approach to the design and development phase than most do. He puts his originality into the design, not just basing his design on the materials given to him.
In the second episode of this series, they go deeper into the process of product planning. Tsuyoshi Nonaka has been involved with many hit products while working at Bandai. Here you will get a glimpse at how he plans and creates those hit products. He says you can tell a product is a hit if you put it in front of someone and they declare, “I have to have it”.
Mr. Nonaka describes the steps to planning a new toy. He says it starts with imagination and information gathering. With the creation of the VOLTRON character into a toy, it also included passion for the character and a plan to satisfy the adult market.
Super Mini-Pla VOLTRON is the latest best seller from Bandai. In this series of blog posts, we will share with you interviews with members of the Robot Lovers Dream Team from Japan that created it.
The interviews are with the members who were involved with the development of the product; Tsuyoshi Nonaka (toy designer) and Hideki Sakamoto and Saturo Hiramatsu from MegaHouse OEM department.
In this first episode, you will see the steps Bandai’s candy division uses to develop a toy. From concept, planning, design and development to production and sales.